
Responsible Artificial Intelligence and Applications in Healthcare

by Prof. Ludovic Koehl, University of Lille, Graduate School MADIS-631 , ENSAIT  & GEMTEX, France

We now witness the rapid development and powerful application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computational Technologies, leading to the fifth industrial revolution. Industry 5.0 will be characterized by the cooperation between machines and human beings, aiming to give added value to production, by creating personalized products that meet customers’ requirements. In the context of Industry 5.0, Responsible AI, the framework organizations follow to ensure AI technology is used in a transparent, accountable, and ethical way, has attracted Healthcare to accelerate efforts toward health systems being more resilient, sustainable, equitable, and person-centered.  This workshop is designed to enable a transparent and public conversation to articulate the policy framework of AI in healthcare, including the pros and cons of distinct regulatory regimes that reflect the distinct values of the societies they serve.

Human-Centered AI for Trustworthy Robots and Autonomous Systems

by Prof. Hongmei (Mary) He, University of Salford, UK